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Nepal cultural festivals

Εικόνα συγγραφέα: Sara López BaosSara López Baos

Wheeling2help collaborates with Conscious Impact for doing the Myquest Nepal, so we want to introduce you the Nepali culture giving you some information about one of the most distinctive cultural signs of Nepal: their festivals. Our volunteers have the opportunity to enjoy due to their stay in the Takure region of Nepal.

Did you know that the famous colorful festival is a Nepali tradition?

Even if the Holi festival has his origin in India, it’s a tradition celebrated also in Nepal. The objective of this tradition is celebrating the day that the demon Holika died trying to kill Vishnu. For celebrating this event, Nepali people dedicate two days in the end of March (Fagu Purnima day and Holi day) to throw away gloves of colours on the streets.

Source: Travel + Leisure

Which is the biggest and most important festival in Nepal?

Dashain festival is celebrated during 15 days at the end of each summer, being the first and the last six days the most important ones. The origin of this tradition is the victory of the gods over the demons after the death of Maisasur demon by the Durga goddess; and that’s why during these days, Nepali people adore Durga, who represents enthusiasm, braveness, cruelty and power.

The first day of the festival receives the name of Ghatasthapana, the 8th day is dedicated to animal sacrifices to the goddess and the 10th day the main member of the family puts Tika and Jamara on the young people forehead with the consequent blessings, as seem as bamboo swings are built through villages for lifting spirits and rejuvenating energy.

Source: Conscious impact

Tihar: the lights festival

The objective of the second most important festival in Nepal is to honor Laxmi, the richness and happiness Indian goddess, as people honor their animals. Even if it’s a religious tradition, it’s celebrated in all the Nepali country during the end of October.

During the five-days festival, light candles are offered to Laxmi to honor her and bring wealth and prosperity to Nepali’s homes. On the last day, siblings give tika to another one, with the meaning of strengthening their close relationships. Of course, music and dances are always present in theses celebrations!

Source: Conscious impact

Their new year celebration: Losar

Losar is the new year celebration for various budhism ethnical groups in Nepal. Depending on the ethnical group, the celebration takes place in a different day in February and March months, but each one of them has the same way of celebration: traditional clothes and music with dances in the streets!

Source: Tusk Travel

Chhath: The sun festival

Terais’s most important festival is Chhath Parva, through which Nepali people thank to the sun (Surya) for the energy and light it gives. The festival has the objective of promoting the wellness, progress and prosperity to the people. It takes four days long, first one for the raising sun, and the last one for the sunset. People get bath on the Ganga Sagar, the famous lake in Janakpur.

Source: India TV News

Teej, the festival that women dedicate to their husbands

Maybe for occidental culture, women adorating their husband can sound outdated, but in Nepal, women dedicate two days every year in September for celebrating the health and the prosperity of their husbands, as they visit their parents to their houses. It’s a special moment for the families, because due to the mountains, the transport in this country it’s not easy, so the possibilities of visiting their families are not a lot.

Source: Tour My India


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