📣From City to Countryside III

Volunteering team project in the frame of European Solidarity Corps Programme
#When : 01/09 - 9/10/24
#Where: Raches, Lamia
Wheeling2help offers 6 spots to motivated youngsters from Greece and 6 from any EU counties, who are between the ages of 18 and 30, belong to any religion, culture and gender, may not know a great deal about the topics of the Project, but are willing to learn and to get motivated!
- 🏠 Accommodation ( Camping tents/Caravans/Wooden houses )
- 🍉Food allowance - 5€ per day / 💰Pocket money - 6 € per day (39 days duration)
- ✈️ Travel costs covered 100% up to the maximum reimbursement
- 💸 There is no participation fee!
During and after the program you will be able to:
1) Develop a better understanding about yourselves, the community and an environmentally friendly mindset
2) Gain new skills surrounding sustainable living topics and practices which will help you become agents of change in their communities and workplaces in the future.
3) Be closer to the local community and exchange ideas about other cultures, learn more about the Raches community, be more open-minded, enhance their communication and organisational skills by meeting other people with similar mindset and get exposed to events planning, and have the opportunity to be part of a
dream to support the environment and the people around you.
Find here the infopack of the project: [Infopack]
We highly appreciate it when you share this information within your networks and with people who might be interested in it.
If you are interested being part of this sustainable, inclusive, accessible journey, please fill in the form bellow by 15th of July 2024👇